<p>Ashley Eisenbeiser, MS, CFS, Senior Director, Food and Product Safety Programs, FMI</p>
<p paraid=”20042761″ paraeid=”{baa1731e-209b-48c4-8065-bf6c24811b11}{208}”><img src=”https://www.fmi.org/images/default-source/default-album/affi_food_safety_forum_2022.tmb-large-350-.jpg?sfvrsn=974ec37d_1″ data-displaymode=”Thumbnail” alt=”AFFI_Food_Safety_Forum_2022″ title=”AFFI_Food_Safety_Forum_2022″ style=”float: right; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-left: 5px;” />Non-cultivable foodborne pathogens include enteric viruses, such as Hepatitis A virus and Norovirus, and protozoan parasites like <em>Cyclospora </em>and <em>Cryptosporidium</em>. These pathogens can be found in different types of foods and are routinely implicated in foodborne outbreaks. <br />
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Concern for these foodborne pathogens has grown in recent years due to a rising number of cases being reported, likely due to the advancements in and availability of better diagnostic testing of people acquiring these illnesses. As a result, concerns about these pathogens have led to calls for more routine testing across the food supply chain; however, the available testing for the detection of these pathogens in food is limited and can create challenges when it comes to food safety management and regulatory decision-making. </p>
<p paraid=”1693340911″ paraeid=”{baa1731e-209b-48c4-8065-bf6c24811b11}{226}”>To support the food industry’s commitment to advancing food safety, FMI has partnered with the <a href=”https://affi.org/” target=”_blank”>American Frozen Food Institute</a> (AFFI) to bring together global research experts, industry professionals and food safety policy leaders for a multi-stakeholder dialogue to discuss and analyze the science and public health implications of foodborne non-cultivable pathogens at the 2022 <a href=”https://affi.org/food-safety-forum/” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>Food Safety Forum</a>, taking place September 21. </p>
<p paraid=”1646897328″ paraeid=”{baa1731e-209b-48c4-8065-bf6c24811b11}{241}”><strong><span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>Three Reasons You Should Attend the Food Safety Forum:</span></strong> </p>
<ol role=”list” start=”1″>
<li data-leveltext=”%1.” data-list-defn-props=”{‘335552541′:0,’335559684′:-1,’335559685′:720,’335559991′:360,’469769242′:[65533,0],’469777803′:’left’,’469777804′:’%1.’,’469777815′:’hybridMultilevel’}” aria-setsize=”-1″ data-aria-posinset=”1″ role=”listitem” data-aria-level=”1″>
<p paraid=”1692501647″ paraeid=”{baa1731e-209b-48c4-8065-bf6c24811b11}{251}”>Hear the latest science and practices related to non-cultivable pathogens in the food supply. </p>
<ol role=”list” start=”2″>
<li data-leveltext=”%1.” data-list-defn-props=”{‘335552541′:0,’335559684′:-1,’335559685′:720,’335559991′:360,’469769242′:[65533,0],’469777803′:’left’,’469777804′:’%1.’,’469777815′:’hybridMultilevel’}” aria-setsize=”-1″ data-aria-posinset=”2″ role=”listitem” data-aria-level=”1″>
<p paraid=”1416430014″ paraeid=”{694d70d0-fecf-4303-9d37-2e758c80125d}{15}”>Gain a better understanding of the public health risks and the implications for the food industry. </p>
<ol role=”list” start=”3″>
<li data-leveltext=”%1.” data-list-defn-props=”{‘335552541′:0,’335559684′:-1,’335559685′:720,’335559991′:360,’469769242′:[65533,0],’469777803′:’left’,’469777804′:’%1.’,’469777815′:’hybridMultilevel’}” aria-setsize=”-1″ data-aria-posinset=”3″ role=”listitem” data-aria-level=”1″>
<p paraid=”806310771″ paraeid=”{694d70d0-fecf-4303-9d37-2e758c80125d}{30}”>Learn how to address the public health risks to strengthen your organization’s food safety program. </p>
<p paraid=”1746305256″ paraeid=”{694d70d0-fecf-4303-9d37-2e758c80125d}{47}”>Registration for this virtual event is free, so don’t miss out on this opportunity. Join your colleagues from across the food industry to hear the latest food safety science and practices that will impact your own internal safety programs. </p>
<a href=”https://affi.org/food-safety-forum/” class=”button” target=”_blank”>Register for 2022 Food Safety Forum</a>
Aug 16, 2022
Ashley Eisenbeiser, MS, CFS, Senior Director, Food and Product Safety Programs, FMI
Non-cultivable foodborne pathogens include enteric viruses, such as Hepatitis A virus and Norovirus, and protozoan parasites like Cyclospora and Cryptosporidium. These pathogens can be found in different types of foods and are routinely implicated in foodborne outbreaks.
Concern for these foodborne pathogens has grown in recent years due to a rising number of cases being reported, likely due to the advancements in and availability of better diagnostic testing of people acquiring these illnesses. As a result, concerns about these pathogens have led to calls for more routine testing across the food supply chain; however, the available testing for the detection of these pathogens in food is limited and can create challenges when it comes to food safety management and regulatory decision-making.
To support the food industry’s commitment to advancing food safety, FMI has partnered with the American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) to bring together global research experts, industry professionals and food safety policy leaders for a multi-stakeholder dialogue to discuss and analyze the science and public health implications of foodborne non-cultivable pathogens at the 2022 Food Safety Forum, taking place September 21.
Three Reasons You Should Attend the Food Safety Forum:
Hear the latest science and practices related to non-cultivable pathogens in the food supply.
Gain a better understanding of the public health risks and the implications for the food industry.
Learn how to address the public health risks to strengthen your organization’s food safety program.
Registration for this virtual event is free, so don’t miss out on this opportunity. Join your colleagues from across the food industry to hear the latest food safety science and practices that will impact your own internal safety programs.