This Week in Agribusiness, October 8, 2022

Harvest update, livestock markets, update from House Ag Committee Chairman and Mississippi River water levels featured this week.

Max Armstrong joins Mickey Gottsch, Elkorn, Nebraska as he begins corn harvest. Mickey gives an update on crop conditions along with plans to improve on next year.

Dennis Smith, Archer Financial Services, talks markets with Mike. Dennis gives an update on beef markets and demand, hog market, and more.

This week in Colby Ag Tech, Chad Colby talks with Brian Leone, Leone Grain & Supply about dry fertilizer calibration. Brian shares the process of calibrating the spreader technology.

Reporting from Washington D.C., Patrick Haggerty talks with House Ag Committee Chairman, Congressman David Scott about what the committee is doing to get ready for the new farm bill coming up. Congressman Scott shares the importance of fertilizer production, risk management legislation, soil health and more.

Max is joined by James Coday, Strategic Marketing Manager, UPL to talk more about the new pre-emergence herbicide, Preview 2.1 SC. James shares feedback from farmers that used the new product on soybeans this year and how the product was used by farmers.

Greg Soulje joins Max and gives his weather forecast for the week ahead and what to expect in the upcoming forecast.

Max’s Tractor Shed spotlights 7 John Deere auger tractors this week.

Mark Stock shares this week’s report from BigIron Auctions.

This week the FFA Chapter Tribute goes to Branson Van Fleet, Ohio State National FFA Officer Candidate.

Mike talks with Mike Steenhoek, Soy Transportation Coalition about water levels of the Mississippi River. The scarcity of water is affecting barge transportation that includes weight, length of barges and price increase.

This Week in Agribusiness features market news, ag technology, weather and farm management and equipment information and opinions. This leading ag news program airs weekly on RFD-TV, and can be found each week on

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