The post On-Farm Profit Potential appeared first on United Soybean Board.
The High Oleic Profit Calculator Tool is available to help farmers make informed economic decisions on how High Oleic (HO) soybeans fit into their farming operation using their own farm and field data. Farmers can project HO Soybean production on individual fields to conventional soybeans, corn, wheat, or other crops. Examining scenarios based on management, costs, and variables that are important to each farm and puts the initial decision step decision in the hands of the farmer.
While this tool does address the initial step to show the true opportunity, the concerns over years of farmers seeing premium programs for identity-preserved grain falling short of promises is still real. Challenges for many farmers that have been addressed are:
Competitive Yields
Weed Control Options
Transportation & Storage Costs
A Soft IP Program
Longevity of Market Potential
To learn more about how each of these challenges are met, click here for High Oleic Soybean Oil: The Business and Agronomic Case to Meet Growing Demand white paper.
This content is an excerpt of the High Oleic Soybean Oil: The Business and Agronomic Case to Meet Growing Demand white paper, Jan. 2022.