Ag census data collection underway

Responses to USDA’s 2022 census will shape future farm policies and programs.

Data collection has officially begun for the 2022 Census of Agriculture. The census is completed by USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service every five years to collect information from all American farmers and ranchers.

USDA is mailing the 2022 Census of Agriculture to producers in phases, starting with an invitation to respond online in November followed by paper questionnaires and a prepaid return envelope in December.

Changes to the 2022 questionnaire include new questions about the use of precision agriculture, hemp production, hair sheep, and updates to internet access questions.

Farm operations of all sizes, urban and rural, which produced and sold, or normally would have sold, $1,000 or more of agricultural product in 2022 are included in the ag census. If your farm meets this benchmark and you have never received NASS surveys or censuses, you can sign up to be counted online.

By completing the census, farmers provide input for future ag planning and decision-making. Results from this year’s census will play a role in future decisions about ag research, beginning farmer programs, conservation programs, and more.

NASS will release 2022 Census of Agriculture results in 2024. Data from the census is used by federal, state and local governments, as well as agribusinesses, researchers, trade associations, and others:

Ag producers can use Census of Agriculture data to make informed decisions about their own operations, from production practices to marketing.
Companies and cooperatives use the data to determine where to locate facilities that will serve agricultural producers.
Community planners use the information to target needed services to rural residents.
Legislators use census data when shaping farm policies and programs.
Students, educators, and researchers use the data as part of their ongoing studies, education, and research initiatives

Response to the Census of Agriculture is required by federal law. NASS will send reminder notices and may attempt to contact producers who have not yet responded for a personal interview.

Farmers can choose to respond online or send completed questionnaires by mail. Responses are due Feb. 6, 2023.

Learn more about the Census of Agriculture on USDA’s AgCensus website.

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<p>By: Tom Cosgrove, Director, Industry Relations, FMI<br /></p><p><img src=";sfvrsn=4687b929_1" style="float:right;margin:10px;"