Agriculture as a Partnering Industry

What began as an independently operating industry has now evolved into an ecosystem of connected, interdependent organizations, all addressing a universal need – agriculture.  Throughout the generations, farming has reached far beyond the field, into technology, education and more. It has expanded into a number of different industries, increasing knowledge, productivity, precision and sustainability.


Universities are now developing entire departments of study that are dedicated to the research and advancement of agricultural practices. The science behind farming and production are a primary focus for students and faculty in the current academic landscape. Their goals range from streamlining operations in production to improving the quality of crops and commodities. Agriculture education has also become one of the driving forces behind new technology.


Speaking of technology, agriculture has expanded its capabilities exponentially with the addition of digital tools and innovative solutions. From online trading to artificial intelligence, leaders in agriculture are partnering with tech specialists to create efficiencies in planting, harvesting, producing and marketing crops and commodities.


While agriculture is a primary benefactor of research and technology, it also offers great value to the thriving clothing and textile industries. According to research, 60 percent of women’s clothing items contain cotton fibers, and 40 percent are made of cotton entirely. The same study suggests that 75 percent of men’s clothing contains some kind of cotton blend. Without the developments in farming, production and trade, textiles would face great limitations.


Obviously, the food industry is directly impacted by agriculture. However, what isn’t as obvious is the impact that agriculture has on a number of sub-industries, such as food safety development, culinary arts and medical research. Farming practices play a key role in how ingredients are grown and utilized around the world, and the ways in which they are used only continues to grow.

The capabilities made possible by agricultural advancement are countless. Crops and commodities help build the foundation of our economy, and after generations of investment, the farming industry continues to effectively fuel the world.

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