Choose fast-acting, long-lasting residual control with Elevest(TM) Insect Control powered be Rynaxypyr(R) active from FMC.

Chlorpyrifos is a proven insecticide that boasted considerable efficacy on piercing/sucking insects as well as a multitude of other pests in corn, soybeans, alfalfa and wheat. The residual half-life (DT50: 113), solubility (1.05 mg/l-1) and vapor pressure (1.43 mPa) allowed for a range of application timings and methods. With the EPA’s revocation of tolerances in food, we can expect to be unable to apply products such as Lorsban(R) insecticide, Tundra(R) Supreme insecticide and Stallion(R) brand insecticide after February 28, 2022.

The EPA’s decision to revoke tolerances of chlorpyrifos has been in the works for a couple of years but it always seems to catch us off guard when quality products are discontinued. The legal back and forth is far from concluded but growers, consultants and suppliers need to be prepared nonetheless. There are options, and FMC is here to support growers in replacing chlorpyrifos-based programs. The historical situation is as follows:

There have been regulatory reviews, actions and disputes around the use of chlorpyriphos for many years, stretching back to the 1990s. For example, indoor use was banned with the 1996 Food Quality Protection Act.
In 2020, Corteva Agriscience announced its decision to end its chlorpyrifos production.
More recently in 2021, under court order to make a decision, EPA issued notice of tolerance revocation for crop uses of chlorpyrifos.
Current EPA regulatory mandate bans applications on crops after February 28, 2022.

With every crop protection decision, the first step is identification of the crop and pest. Within multiple segments, FMC provides a range of solutions that can provide similar or improved control over chlorpyrifos-containing products. Elevest(R) insect control powered by Rynaxypyr(R) active delivers better overall control in one formulation. Elevest insect control delivers fast knockdown of stink bugs and plant bugs with superior pyrethroid, bifenthrin (Group 3A), and has an optimized ratio of Rynaxypyr (Group 28), meaning a higher lethal rate of a pyrethroid than Besiege(R) insecticide. Elevest insect control is the only full rate premix of Rynaxypyr active, the industry standard for Lepidopteran control, and the full rate of bifenthrin, the leading pyrethroid, to deliver convenient, dependable, fast-acting and long-lasting residual control.

Elevest insect control targets key pests of soybeans often found at the R3 growth stage, including corn earworms, soybean loopers, armyworms and stink bug species. In corn, the premix is suited for tassel sprays for corn earworms and stink bugs. Late in the season, when cotton fields require treatment for bollworms and stink bugs simultaneously, Elevest insect control provides the desired spectrum of control.

Help control insects that threaten your season.


Elevest insect control, Besiege insecticide, Lorsban insecticide, Stallion brand insecticide and Tundra Supreme insecticide are Restricted Use Pesticides. Always read and follow all label directions, precautions and restrictions for use. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states. Elevest insect control may not be registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your local FMC retailer or representative for details and availability in your state. FMC, the FMC logo, Elevest ,Rynaxypyr and Stallion are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate. Lorsban is a trademark of Corteva Agriscience. Tundra is a trademark of WinField Solutions, LLC. Besiege is a trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. (C)2022 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 22-FMC-1236 04/22

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