Worms are migrating from rapidly maturing corn
Much of the Mid-South experienced weeks of blistering heat and unusually low rainfall before summer officially began. And oppressively hot and dry conditions continued into July, accelerating corn maturity and inciting a pest migration.
Uncharacteristically high bollworm (corn earworm) pressure in much of the Delta, combined with quickly drying corn, has worms and other insect pests looking for greener fields.
Target insect pests, including armyworm, with Intrepid Edge(R) insecticide.
Across Mississippi, bollworm trap catches in June ranged from twice to 10 times the 10-year average. For example, in Sunflower County, Mississippi, 572 bollworm were documented in pheromone traps set by Mississippi State University and U.S. Department of Agriculture entomologists the week of June 17. The 10-year average for Sunflower County for that week is 56. Other Delta counties reported similarly high numbers.
That scenario repeated through much of the Mississippi Delta in June, with higher-than-average tobacco budworm trap numbers also found in some of the research entomologists’ pheromone traps.
Trap counts the week of July 1 were closer to the 10-year average for both budworm and bollworm. That could signify movement out of maturing cornfields.
When corn reaches the brown silk stage, bollworm populations will seek other hosts, including cotton and soybean plants.
Anticipating that potential pest surge can improve scouting of yield-robbing worms and ensure you are ready to treat when pest numbers reach economic thresholds.
And when it is time to take control, Intrepid Edge(R)insecticide can help you manage damaging soybean pests.
Intrepid Edge delivers fast knockdown andlasting residual control. Two modes of action – Group 5 and Group 18 – deliver proven results against soybean looper, armyworm, bollworm, tobacco budworm and other yield-robbing pests.
As the only Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) Group 5 insecticide, Intrepid Edge provides a distinct mode of action in pest control rotations and helps minimize potential resistance development.
It’s time to send crop damaging pests packing. Visit IntrepidEdge.com to learn how.
(R)(TM)Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Intrepid Edge(R) insecticide is not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions.