Delayed planting? Where to start?

The Farm Progress PANEL asked which crop -corn or soybeans – farmers would plant when conditions finally got right.

It’s probably not the best news that the Farm Progress PANEL question we decided to ask this time out was caused due to this crazy planting season. But there you have it. We wanted to know what our PANEL was thinking as planting time keeps slipping for many.

We asked the following: Time is getting tight, corn/soybean farmers what goes in first now?

In the old days, that question would have overwhelmingly been corn because of course that’s how you plant right? But in the past few years early planted soybeans have become more popular, making this question even more interesting.

But we start with the third question where 20% of respondents told us they have no idea what they’re going to plant first when they can. This season has everyone rethinking their priorities and those that have considered early planted soybeans are probably still thinking about that choice.

Just under one-third – 30% – told us they’re planting soybeans first when the weather is in their favor. That trend continues, and there is evidence that if you give soybeans more time in the field you will be rewarded. Of course, that depends on where you are, but for these respondents there’s apparently a pay-off.

And about half – 49% – answered they’re going with corn first. Corn remains king for a lot of acres and with prices where they are – even with inputs priced higher – the profit picture remains strong.

But as you look at it – respondents are essentially split with about half going with soybeans or keeping their options open, while the other half commits to corn. As planters keep rolling we at Farm Progress wish you a safe planting season, no matter which crop goes in first on your farm.

Thanks to everyone who responded to these PANEL questions.

The Farm Progress PANEL is your chance to share your thoughts on key issues. To take part, start by signing up for our daily mobile text service Farm Progress NOW. To do that text FARM to 20505, and be sure to respond to the text that follows we have a double opt-in system to make sure you’re signed up.

Later in one of our daily update texts we’ll provide information about how to sign up for the PANEL. And thanks to the respondents for helping us out.

Note: The Farm Progress PANEL is an opt-in SMS-based group. If you are a part of the panel, you may text STOP to unsubscribe.

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