Forbes: IBM’s Blockchain Consortium with The Seam Deploys ‘Hyperledger’ for Cotton Trading

U.S. commodities trading and agri-business software provider The Seam, which has cleared or processed over $7 billion through its cloud-based platforms, is forming a blockchain consortium in conjunction with IBM for the billion dollar global cotton industry deployed on the Hyperledger Fabric, with the project kicking off early this year and poised to yield significant efficiencies.

By using a secure, distributed and immutable digital ledger through the blockchain, the protagonists behind the project scheduled to commence over the first quarter of 2017 posit that it enables companies to work together on a “foundation of trust, increased speed and reduced interference.”

Working with IBM, the company headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee, has revealed its intention to lead an “industry-wide collaboration” to create a supply chain and trading ecosystem built on IBM blockchain technology, specifically using the Hyperledger Fabric, which provides a foundation for developing blockchain solutions with a modular architecture, pluggable implementations and so-called container technology.

Read more via Forbes.

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