How Food Retailers Should Use Artificial Intelligence

<p>By: Doug Baker, Vice President, Industry Relations, FMI </p><img src="" style="float:right;margin:10px;" alt="AI In Grocery" class="-align-right" sf-size="100" /><p>Business leaders in food retail are just starting to scratch the surface of how artificial intelligence (AI) will benefit their organizations and evolve this industry. There has also been a quiet call to action that more of the industry&rsquo;s commercial
leadership should ground themselves in the fundamentals of AI to ensure long-term success. &nbsp;<br /></p><p>According to FMI&rsquo;s report, <a href=""><i>The Food Retailing Industry Speaks 2022</i></a>, 88% of food retailers use some sort of technology to personalize the shopper&rsquo;s
experience. Additionally, 73% of food suppliers said their technology investments in 2021 had a positive impact on their profits and losses. <br /></p><p>Yet consequently, only 31% of food retailers use AI. Of those, their biggest AI applications are leveraging customer data and making decisions on pricing and promotion. <br /></p><p>Right now, in the food retail industry, we should be focusing on how AI and machine learning (ML) improve <b>process automation</b> and <b>customer engagement</b>. <br /></p><p>Beyond pricing and promotion, process automation supported by AI and ML are filling labor voids and taking over redundant tasks so people can move to other areas where there is a greater need and more benefit from having human labor involved. <br /></p><p>From a security standpoint, AI-supported computer vision is helping with front-end theft and fraud by ensuring high-dollar items are not scanned using the barcode of a lower-priced item. AI also plays an important role in areas of security like weapons
detection, shotgun detection, and license plate and facial matching to ensure known bad actors don&rsquo;t cause additional theft or loss in a store. <br /></p><p>As for improving customer engagement, use technology to create a better, more efficient experience. People are much more comfortable using technology since the COVID-19 pandemic, and now retailers need to decide how to deploy that technology to ensure
customers have a more connected experience whether in-store or online.<br /></p><p>Conversational AI and a voice assistant can help customers find items in the store or easily get questions about a product answered while they consider buying it. That ease of information can lead to someone deciding to purchase.<br /></p><p>Process automation and customer engagement are both measurable. Automating a process within an organization and becoming more efficient drives profit to the bottom line. A more engaged customer will likely spend more money, improving the top line.<br /></p><p>AI can also handle backend-type operation activities, such as forecasting and predictive modeling. When do you need to have products in the warehouse and the store? How might weather-related events impact your forecasting? <br /></p><p>Over the years, technology has often followed strategy or as we saw during the pandemic, offered a solution to an issue. Technology-first companies would tell you that they are a technology company that sells consumer goods. Considering technology and
how it can drive strategy will become standard for successful businesses throughout the industry. &nbsp;It can answer the big questions, such as, &ldquo;I have this specific need; how can I use technology to address it?&rdquo; <br /></p><p>We need to start considering artificial intelligence in that vein&mdash;that technology is a good thing that everybody and business will embrace, even if they don’t completely understand it yet, and that provides measurable benefits. The time to get started
with AI is now.<br /></p><p>For food retail and supplier leaders looking to ground themselves in the fundamentals of AI consider attending <a href="">AI In Grocery</a>, a two-day online seminar hosted by Grocery Doppio, powered by Incisiv.
I&rsquo;ll be taking part in the discussion and look forward to learning more. <br /></p><p><a href="" class="button">Learn More About The AI In Grocery Event</a><br /></p>


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