In the Know: This Week’s Blockchain Round-up (July 21, 2017)

Blockchain can be confusing to understand sometimes, but that is why we’re here to break it down for you in our weekly blockchain round-up.

Confused about blockchain? Here’s what you need to know.

In this article by Matthew Cochrane, he stresses the importance for investors to understand the implication of blockchain technology. His article dives deeper into why so many are excited about blockchain and its potential benefits, and how some companies are already incorporating it into their existing operations.

He goes on to highlight how blockchain technology calls for fewer middlemen to be involved in each transaction, payment processors and banks.

Read more here, via The Motley Fool.

Why the use of blockchain in the cloud is growing quickly

This piece, written by Dave Shackleford, discusses what options are available as organizations could potentially shift away from traditional cryptography models. Shackleford goes on to explain that a few traditional software vendors now have blockchain services for their software-as-a-service (SaaS) cloud offerings.

Read more here, via Tech Target. 

Emerging applications for blockchain

And last but not least, this article by Chalmers Brown is a great read. Brown highlights some of the many ways that blockchain is applied to make a difference in various industries beyond the financial world.

Read more here, via Forbes.

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