Land market steady to higher

Thanks to continued strong grain prices, land is selling steady to higher, depending on the bidders and the location, according to BigIron Realty. Market time for most farms is about 60 days.

Based in Columbus, Neb., BigIron a licensed real estate broker in eight states, compiles the reports for this column. However, not all sales are handled by BigIron each month. For more information, contact BigIron at 800-887-8625.

The following are several of the most recent sales in Nebraska, this month all handled by BigIron.


Platte County. A total of 71.26 acres sold at online auction for $716,163. This farm lies flat and has good gravel road access. It is pivot-irrigated, but the pivots are owned by the tenant and were not included in the sale. The electric motor and pump were included. The drainage ditch that runs west to east is a Lower Loup NRD easement.

Dodge County. A total of 80 acres sold at online auction for $804,000. This gravity-irrigated property is on good gravel road just off Highway 275, west of Fremont, Neb. There are 4.55 acres enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program, paying $1,070 annually and expiring on Sept. 30, 2026. The seller received 100% of the 2022 CRP payment, but the buyer receives the entirety of the 2023 payment and subsequent payments after that. The south half and a small portion in the northeast corner of the property have been tiled. Included in the sale were an 11,000-bushel grain bin and an electric motor and pump. The seller reserved the right to use the grain bin until Feb. 28, 2023.

Polk County. A total of 80 acres sold at online auction for $1,092,000. This property lies flat and is located just north of Shelby, Neb. It’s a pivot-irrigated farm, but the tenants own the personal property. Included in the sale was a gearhead with pump.


Wheeler County. A total of 159.59 acres sold at online auction for $446,852. This quarter of pasture ground has electricity and a submersible well for livestock water, along with plenty of shade. With an abundance of trees, the land makes for a hunting paradise, with plenty of wildlife, hills and valleys and room for a cabin or hunting blinds.


Nemaha County. A total of 200 acres sold at online auction in two tracts for $1,182,000. Tract 1 is 160 acres, and Tract 2 is 40 acres — with both tracts comprised of highly productive dryland farm ground, primarily Wymore silty clay soils, located only 3 1/2 miles west of Brock, Neb.

Here is a look at recent land sales in eastern, northern and southeastern Nebraska.

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