AgriLife Extension providing trainings across state with updates Cotton, corn and soybean producers in 22 Texas counties will be restricted on the use of two popular herbicides this growing season after the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency renews registrations. Green cotton plants with pink blooms in a fieldEPA renews Enlist technologies registrations, but with limitations and […]
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AgriLife Extension providing trainings across state with updates
Cotton, corn and soybean producers in 22 Texas counties will be restricted on the use of two popular herbicides this growing season after the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency renews registrations.
Green cotton plants with pink blooms in a fieldEPA renews Enlist technologies registrations, but with limitations and county restrictions. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Kay Ledbetter)
The EPA granted new registrations and labels for Corteva’s Enlist One and Enlist Duo herbicides, but with additional requirements and a list of counties across the U.S. where their use will be banned.
Scott Nolte, Ph.D., Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service state weed specialist, said AgriLife Extension continues to offer agriculture producers training to meet federal and state guidelines for the use of dicamba and 2,4-D, and this new information is being incorporated into those trainings.
Over the next few months, AgriLife Extension will offer producers multiple opportunities to complete their Auxin-Specific Certification Training for this growing season. EPA also renewed three dicamba herbicide labels – Engenia, Tavium and Xtendimax – in 2020 and made updates to the application requirements. The 2022 trainings will include information about all the recent changes.
Products Banned In Texas Counties
Enlist One and Enlist Duo are 2,4-D-based pesticides for over-the-top use in 2,4-D-tolerant cotton, corn and soybeans to help control broadleaf weeds. They were registered for five years in 2017, and that registration was set to expire on Jan. 12.
The new registration was issued on Jan. 11, and will be in place for seven years, said Tiffany Lashmet, J.D., AgriLife Extension agriculture law specialist, Amarillo. The new label adds several new requirements to protect endangered species, pollinators and habitats, and limit off-target drift.
The labels prohibit the use of Enlist Duo in 217 counties in 21 states and prohibit the use of Enlist One in 169 counties in 14 states. The EPA said this prohibition is “in counties where EPA has identified risks to listed species that use corn, cotton or soybean fields for diet and/or habitat.”
In Texas, the use of Enlist Duo is prohibited in the following counties: Bastrop, Bell, Bowie, Burleson, Cameron, Colorado, Cooke, Fannin, Grayson, Hidalgo, Hill, Lamar, McLennan, Milam, Nueces, Red River, Refugio, Robertson, San Patricio, Victoria, Willacy and Williamson.
In Texas, the use of Enlist One is prohibited in the following counties: Bell, Bowie, Cameron, Cooke, Fannin, Grayson, Hidalgo, Hill, Lamar, McLennan, Nueces, Red River, San Patricio, Willacy and Williamson.
New Label Requirements
The new label requirements include, but are not limited to:
No application permitted after soybean and cotton crops are in bloom and might attract pollinators.
No application permitted when rainfall is expected within 48 hours or soil is fully saturated.
No irrigation that could produce runoff within 48 hours of application.
Runoff reduction measures required.
Only approved tank mixes, nozzles and spray pressures allowed.
Downwind 30-foot infield buffer required to protect sensitive areas.
Corteva to provide mandatory education and training about importance of pollinators.
Training Information
Various trainings have been scheduled around the state where dicamba and 2,4-D products are used. Check with your local AgriLife Extension county agent to find the closest training.
The first of five trainings for the Lubbock region will be on Jan. 21, and the remaining trainings on Feb. 14, March 10, April 8 and May 13. Each one-hour training will have a fee of $10 and start at 9 a.m. The in-person trainings will be at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center for Lubbock, 1102 Drew St. Online versions will be conducted via Zoom.
To participate in one of these trainings, attendees must preregister at least one day before the session and select whether they will be attending in person or online. Those attending online will receive further instructions.
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