No sign of slowdown in land market

Land continues to sell strong, and rising interest rates haven’t seemed to cool the market yet, according to BigIron Realty. The approximate marketing time for land parcels to sell is 60 days.

BigIron Realty of Columbus, Neb., a licensed real estate broker in eight states, compiles the reports for this column. However, not all sales are handled by BigIron each month. For more information, contact BigIron at 800-887-8625.

The following are several of the most recent sales in Nebraska, this month all handled by BigIron.


Nemaha County. A total of 737.51 acres sold at online auction in five tracts for $4,164,670. Tract 1 is 320 acres of a combination of cropland and pasture ground. There is a submersible well along the south road. The cropland is nicely terraced. Tract 2 is 117.51 acres with a building site in the northeast corner that did not sell with the tract. The farm is level-to-gently rolling cropland with pasture and trees. Tract 3 is 160 acres of pasture ground with perimeter fencing and a dam for water. This farm has excellent hunting.

Tract 4 is 120 acres of grass and trees with hunting opportunities. Tract 5 is 20 acres and is a combination of grass, trees with hunting and a beautiful country home, featuring a modern kitchen with updated cupboards, hardwood floors and an ornamental fireplace. It has three bedrooms and a full bath. The roof has slate concrete tape shingles.

The kitchen has a refrigerator, microwave, stovetop, electric whirlpool range, and built-in self-cleaning whirlpool oven — all came with the sale. Downstairs is a full, unfinished basement with three rooms and a gas furnace and water heater. There is a 30-foot easement for access to Tract 4 on the west edge of the property, where the existing road and gate is located.


Hall County. A total of 66.88 acres sold at online auction for $568,480. This farm is gravity-irrigated farmland with good productive soils.

Hall County. A total of 150.07 acres sold at online auction for $661,360.50. This productive farm is also gravity-irrigated.


Sheridan County. A total of 1,183.69 acres sold at online auction in three tracts for $2,002,874.50. Tract 1 is 160 acres of pivot-irrigated crop ground, including a seven-tower Valley pivot and electric pump, stock well and submersible pump, with shelterbelts at the northeast and northwest corners. The perimeter and shelterbelts are fenced.

Tract 2 is 480 acres of pasture ground with perimeter and cross fencing. There is an established perimeter shelterbelt on the west and north boundaries. There are three windmills and electricity at the east and north perimeters, and there is county road access on the south and west boundaries.

Tract 3 is 543.69 acres of pasture ground with perimeter and cross fencing. There are two dams, two windmills and one solar-powered stock well, with county road access on the north boundary.

Rising interest rates have not caused the market to cool down yet.

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