<p>This week, FMI and the <a href="https://www.sqfi.com/">Safe Quality Food Institute</a> (SQFI) hosted a delegation of government representatives from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador to educate them on the important work FMI and SQFI do to advance a safer, healthier, more efficient food supply chain and discuss potential opportunities for collaboration on and harmonization of food safety initiatives. </p><p>As part of a two-week program organized by Louisiana State University Professor of Horticulture David Picha, the Central American representatives are traveling the United States meeting with elected officials, industry representatives and officials from major transport hubs to learn more about the U.S. agriculture sector and identify opportunities for increasing the flow of trade between our nations.<span style="background-color:transparent;color:inherit;font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;text-align:inherit;text-transform:inherit;word-spacing:normal;caret-color:auto;white-space:inherit;"> </span></p><p>During their visit, FMI’s Heather Garlich, Karina Beltran Romero, Matt McKinney and Andy Harig introduced the delegates to the mission, priorities and programs of FMI, including a lively discussion on food traceability, labeling, and sustainability efforts to address food waste, recycling, and carbon emissions. SQFI’s Carey Allen rounded out the meeting with a focus on SQFI’s mission and global reach, and an explanation of the nine GFSI-benchmarked <a href="https://www.sqfi.com/what-is-the-sqf-program/sqf-food-safety-program/">SQF Codes</a>.<span style="background-color:transparent;color:inherit;font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;text-align:inherit;text-transform:inherit;word-spacing:normal;caret-color:auto;white-space:inherit;"> </span></p><p>FMI and SQFI were honored to represent the food industry with our international partners to advance a safer global food supply chain.</p><img sf-custom-thumbnail="true" src="https://www.fmi.org/images/default-source/blog-images/central-america-delegation.jpg?sfvrsn=2cab5b91_1" style="display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" sf-size="100" width="650" alt="Central America Delegation" sf-constrain-proportions="true" /><p style="text-align:center;"><em>FMI’s Karina Beltran Romero, Matt McKinney, Andy Harig, and Heather Garlich with LSU Professor David Picha and representatives from the governments of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.</em></p>