Ready to plant? That's a complicated question

The Farm Progress PANEL shows that ahead of #plant22 many respondents don’t feel ready.

There’s a time in the country when driving around you can almost feel the intensity building, the need to push away from the kitchen table, head out and get planting. But 2022 may be a little different for a lot of folks, if the results from the latest Farm Progress PANEL are any indication.

This time out we asked the following: We’ve been talking about planting prep, what’s your status? Last week two of our sessions focused on planter prep and planting details. We feel that’s last-minute, but important, timing. Turns out we might be right on track.

According to respondents of this latest question just over one-third say they’re ready to roll. The machine prep is finished, and the inputs are ready to go. That’s a solid number, and good news for those producers itching to hit the field. One respondent says they’re just waiting for conditions to be right.

Just over 10% tell us they’re ready but feel they’re short of parts. These days, having the right parts on hand is critical. Weather events can push you out of the field, but so can broken equipment. Having spare parts, or replacements for worn parts can be critical. Some may feel they can roll even though they would like new closing wheels, or other planter essentials, that’s hard to say.

But half of the respondents say they’re not ready and waiting for parts and/or inputs. #Plant22 a popular hashtag on Twitter might turn into #PlantFail22 if those producers don’t get what they need. One respondent says they’re waiting for a planter. For many the answer may be seed, crop protection products, or parts.

This panel shows that this season may be a bigger challenge for many than in the past.

Thanks to everyone who responded to these PANEL questions.

The Farm Progress PANEL is your chance to share your thoughts on key issues. To take part, start by signing up for our daily mobile text service Farm Progress NOW. To do that text FARM to 20505, and be sure to respond to the text that follows we have a double opt-in system to make sure you’re signed up.

Later in one of our daily update texts we’ll provide information about how to sign up for the PANEL. And thanks to the respondents for helping us out.

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