Ritual Reflection: Celebrating Store Managers in the New Year

<p>By: Cynthia Brazzel, senior director, member relations and advocacy (western region), FMI, and Haley Pierce, assistant, business development and member services, FMI</p><img src="https://www.fmi.org/images/default-source/store-manager-awards/celebrate.tmb-large-350-.jpeg?sfvrsn=692956ef_1" style="float:right;margin:10px;" alt="" sf-size="100" /><p>Like all New Year&rsquo;s Day celebrations, the ushering in of 2023 provided all of us with a moment to stop and reflect on the accomplishments, challenges, goals and memories we made throughout the prior year. This annual ritual of taking personal inventory
is not only an effective method for appreciating your own progress and growth, but it is also essential for recognizing the impact that others had on your success. Be it a friend, family member, teacher, coach or colleague, having a support system
is critical to reaching our highest potential. </p><p>This is true on a personal and organizational level. For example, those who dedicate themselves to group achievement are the engines of the food industry and make it better every year. A prime example of these invaluable industry players are store managers.
They are on the frontlines of food retail, making decisions that directly impact their customers and communities every day. Among their many duties, store managers are responsible for:</p><ul type="disc"><li>Generating sales growth;</li><li>Clearly communicating company and store goals;</li><li>Leading, mentoring, and motivating associates;</li><li>Improving customer service and satisfaction;</li><li>And enhancing community relations</li></ul><p>At FMI, our annual lookback would not be complete without a proper acknowledgement and celebration of store managers for all they did to uplift our industry in 2022. That&rsquo;s why we are so excited to host the Store Manager Awards once again in spring
2023. Last year, we received over 130 nominations from 30 companies, and we hope to receive even more this year.</p><p>Member companies interested in submitting a nomination should first review the <a href="https://14542748.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/14542748/Midwinter%202023/Sponsorship%20Prospectus/2023%20Store%20Manager%20Nomination%20Checklist-1%20(1).pdf">nomination checklist</a> and <a href="https://14542748.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/14542748/Midwinter%202023/Sponsorship%20Prospectus/Criteria%20for%202023%20SMA%20Nominations.pdf">criteria for submitting a nomination</a>.
Don&rsquo;t miss your opportunity to spotlight hardworking store managers. <a href="https://www.abstractscorecard.com/cfp/submit/login.asp?EventKey=YXFXCWJM">Submit a nomination today!</a></p><p>Nominations close on <b>Jan. 30, 2023.</b> If you have any question, please reach out to us at <a href="mailto:FMIstoremanagerawards@fmi.org">FMIstoremanagerawards@fmi.org</a>.</p><p><a href="https://www.abstractscorecard.com/cfp/submit/login.asp?EventKey=YXFXCWJM" class="button">Nominate Today!</a></p>


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