Supply a Chain of Thanks

<p>By: Dan Ratner, Senior Director, Member Services, FMI</p><h5>February 22 is Forever Supermarket Employee Day</h5><a class="-align-right" style="margin-bottom:10px;float:right;margin-left:20px;" href=""><img src=";sfvrsn=d47854b9_1" style="float:right;" alt="Supermarket Employee Day" sf-size="100" /></a>
<p>There’s a reason food retail workers were officially designated as essential employees by the government during the pandemic years. It’s because they are intrinsically connected to the food we consume and share in meals every day. They deserve our sincere thanks for what they do to feed families and enrich lives within our communities ceaselessly.</p><p>As we approach the season of giving thanks and look forward to one of the most significant meals of the year, the food industry also needs to prepare for <a href="">Supermarket Employee Day</a>, which is recognized on the <a href="" target="_blank">National Calendar</a>&nbsp;every February 22. For several years, FMI has led efforts to have national and international communities celebrate the accomplishments and dedication of supermarket employees at every level. </p><p>We invite you to review the many resources available in the <a href="">Supermarket Employee Day toolkit</a>. The toolkit has been updated and revised with newly developed messaging, imagery, infographics and sample proclamations. Browse the online store for buttons, shirts and other promotional items to help encourage your team and community to thank grocery workers each day. Make your plans now and get ready for February 22, 2024.</p><blockquote class="unquoted">For 2024, the themes of <span style="font-style:italic;font-weight:bold;">Supply a Chain of Thanks, Grocers &amp; Gratitude</span> and <span style="font-style:italic;font-weight:bold;">Thanking it Forward</span> have been designated to help express appreciation toward these hardworking employees for their significant contributions.</blockquote><p>As you and your food retail team prepare for all the families and friends in your community to to sit down to a Thanksgiving meal later this month, think about how your retail team will celebrate February 22. Supply a chain of thanks and connect with your local grocer this coming Supermarket Employee Day.</p><p><a href="" class="button-secondary">Supermarket Employee Day Toolkit</a></p>


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