The Seam Presents at the ACSA International Cotton Institute

The ACSA International Cotton Institute is a residential program designed to provide a basic education in all aspects of the cotton industry and the international business environment for men and women worldwide.

A prestigious international learning opportunity, this year’s class included more than 30 attendees from 10 countries including Australia, Brazil, China, Greece, India, Japan, Republic of Korea, Turkey, and Vietnam.

The Seam Chairman and CEO Mark Pryor had the pleasure of speaking about online trading along with a visionary focus for the cotton industry on Web3. His presentation gave insight on artificial intelligence, machine learning, asset tokenization, and decentralization – among other agtech and agribusiness innovations.

Mark’s session is just one piece of this comprehensive program that offers an in-depth look at cotton from virtually every perspective. Throughout the four-week institute, students receive instruction from a consortium of distinguished cotton industry leaders with unmatched understanding of global business and experiences in international trade and marketing.

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