This Week in Agribusiness December 3, 2022

Max Armstrong and Mike Pearson get a number of reports from Mike Adams in Washington, plus a deep dive on winter weather and more.

Part 1

Max Armstrong and Mike Pearson are at the desk this week with a quick glance at the winter weather forecast to start things off. Then they introduce a report from Mike Adams who spoke with NCGA president Tom Haag about the challenges with Mexico’s stance on GMOs and crop protection. Next, Mike talks markets with Brian Basting, economist with Advance Trading, who is looking at South American crops and American exports.

Part 2

Brian Basting, economist with Advance Trading, returns to discuss how producers can prep themselves for markets in 2023. Lastly, they discuss fuel costs and livestock. In the Colby Ag Tech segment Chad Colby is giving us a tutorial on special features of your smart phone. Next, Max interviews UPL’s Ryan Bryant-Schlobohm who discusses a new post-emergence herbicide for wheat producers.

Part 3

Max and Mike are back to talk about what’s going on in Washington D.C. especially about the Lesser Prairie Chicken’s listing on the Endangered Species list. Next Mike Adams is back to talk with Chris Novak, president and CEO of CropLife America about the regulations around crop protection.

Part 4

Max introduces the latest Plan Smart Grow Smart segment from BASF. Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje looks at the weather for the week ahead.

Part 5

Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje returns to take a look at the long-range weather picture.

Part 6

In Max’s Tractor Shed, Max takes a look heat houser systems on antique tractors. Next in the FFA Chapter Tribute segment, Mike talks with Carly Albright, Kansas State FFA Prsident. She’s found inspiration in working with youth across the state to share the message of agriculture. She joined FFA because it’s a family tradition with her father and sister leading the way.

Part 7

Max and Mike introduce another interview from Mike Adams who discusses the farm bill and the new congress with Mary Kay Thatcher from Syngenta. Max wraps up with news from the Farm Futures Business Summit previewing his discussion of the Ukraine situation with farmer philanthropist Howard Buffett at the event. He also has a special 20% off discount code for attendees.

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