<p>By Rick Stein, Vice President, Fresh Foods, FMI <br /></p><p><img src="https://www.fmi.org/images/default-source/blog-images/fresh-produce-in-basket.tmb-large-350-.png?Culture=en&sfvrsn=79783b17_1" style="float:right;margin:10px;" class="-align-right" alt="Fresh produce in basket" sf-size="455379" />Fresh food is essential to driving shopper loyalty and grocery retail success. It is front and center in food industry differentiation strategies. <br /></p><p>At the same time, fresh is marked by unique hurdles and imperatives, three of which will be spotlighted at this year’s <a href="https://www.fmi.org/fresh-forward">FMI FreshForward Conference</a>, set for Aug 11 to 13 at the Loews Coronado Bay Resort in San Diego, Calif. The event will focus on strategies to overcome labor challenges, support health and well-being, and win meal occasions. Each of these topics is high priority for retailers and suppliers right now.<br /></p><p>I’m excited to preview the three topics and their timely impacts on fresh. FreshForward, which just opened it 2025 registration, showcases how making progress requires industry collaboration.<br /></p><h5>1 – Enhance Fresh Workforces<strong></strong></h5><p>Labor and workforce issues are increasingly important in fresh foods. Leaders are seeking to address how the fresh industry can boost employee engagement and increase retention. Companies are aiming to optimize workforces to give associates the tools and strategies for success. The opportunities include enhancing employee skills in ways that help advance their careers; leveraging technology to handle repetitive tasks and free up associates for more creative roles; and building recruitment efforts by relaying the positive aspects of fresh industry job roles. <br /></p><h5>2 – Embrace Health and Well-being</h5><p>Shoppers are increasingly seeking nutritious choices, and the fresh foods industry is striving to stay on top of the latest needs. Company strategies should consider today’s changing consumer attitudes and eating approaches; a growing shopper interest in better-for-you foods; the role of Food as Medicine programs; and opportunities to educate consumers to support their nutrition needs.<br /></p><h5>3 – Win Meal Occasions</h5><p>Shoppers constantly face the need to make meal decisions, and the fresh industry aims to help these customers solve for the meal. Meal solutions need to embrace factors such as convenience, relevance, experience and value. Company action steps should include breaking down cross-departmental silos and catering to the growing ranks of consumers who like to shop with the help of digital tools. The fresh industry can capture an increased share of stomach if it understands shoppers and acts on their shifting needs.<br /></p><h5>Succeed With Actionable Strategies</h5><p>At FreshForward, developed with Deloitte, we tackle the future of fresh at retail and generate actionable next steps. This conference is FMI’s annual gathering of senior-level retailers and suppliers in the fresh sector. It is focused on how to move the fresh industry forward and features educational presentations, collaborative breakout groups for attendees to identify action steps, and lots of opportunities for networking. A <a href="https://www.fmi.org/forms/store/ProductFormPublic/2024-fresh-forward-action-guide?utm_campaign=freshforward25&utm_source=freshforward_FreshFoodsTopic&utm_medium=website">FreshForward Action Guide</a> is published after the conference so attendees have recommendations on how to make progress on key challenges.</p><p>I hope you’ll take the opportunity to register now for FreshForward. We’d like to see you there as we address some of the biggest hurdles and collaborate on the solutions.</p><p><a href="https://www.fmi.org/fresh-forward">Register Now</a></p>