Unlocking Total Store and Omnichannel Success with Nonfoods

<p>By: Tom Duffy, Senior Advisor, Nonfoods Community Development, FMI</p><div class="mg-image–circular" style="float:right;margin:10px;"><img src="https://www.fmi.org/images/default-source/blog-images/social-media-icons.jpg?sfvrsn=2eb76de4_1" alt="social media icons on a smartphone" sf-size="100" /></div><p>Nonfoods play a critical, yet often underestimated, role in grocery retail. While fresh and center-store categories command attention, nonfoods at grocery stores account for 8% ($253 billion) of the U.S. nonfoods market, according to <a href="https://www.fmi.org/forms/RedirectForm/?dest=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fmi.org%2Fforms%2Fstore%2FProductFormPublic%2Fpower-of-nonfoods-at-retail-2024&amp;utm_campaign=nonfoods25&amp;utm_source=blog_nonfoodsforum2025&amp;utm_medium=blog"><em>The Power of Nonfoods at Retail 2024</em></a>.<strong> </strong>Clearly, nonfoods at grocery retail is a growth opportunity for food retailers, but challenges remain. Here are some ways to connect the dots for total store success with nonfoods. </p><h5>Omnichannel Retail and the Changing Consumer Journey</h5><p>According to FMI and NIQ&rsquo;s <a href="https://www.fmi.org/forms/store/ProductFormPublic/the-digitally-engaged-grocery-shopper-2025"><em>Digital Engagement Transforms Grocery Shopping</em></a><em> </em>report, 55% of consumers make direct purchases from social media or live-stream platforms for grocery and household items. If you consider this from a nonfoods in grocery retail perspective, there is a real opportunity here. &nbsp;</p><p>Picture this&mdash;scrolling through your Instagram feed, and you stop to watch a video of an impressive food-chopping tool. It reminds you of the old infomercials on TV, but it&rsquo;s classier and more convenient. Intrigued, you click the buy now link, and you&rsquo;re taken to your primary grocery store to view the product details. While you&rsquo;re at it, you add some tomatoes and carrots to your cart, so you have some items to test out your new kitchen gadget. With 52% of general merchandise purchases considered impulse buys, nonfoods at grocery stores are the perfect tool to bridge the digital divide, especially using social media. </p><h5>Trading Partner Planning from the Foundation to Innovation</h5><p>To connect the dots, collaboration between retailers and manufacturers is needed to strengthen decision-making. Industry leaders can move beyond foundational practices and embrace continuous innovation, which is essential to success for nonfoods in grocery retail.</p><p>To dive deeper into nonfood opportunities and collaboration opportunities, FMI has teamed up with <a href="https://retailmediaiq.com/">retailmediaIQ</a> for an upcoming digital seminar featuring several nonfoods industry leaders. The discussion will look at nonfoods opportunities from all angles including:</p><ul type="disc"><li data-list="1" data-level="1">Emerging nonfoods categories.</li><li data-list="1" data-level="1">Trip conversions.</li><li data-list="1" data-level="1">Digital shoppers.</li><li data-list="1" data-level="1">Health and well-being solutions.</li><li data-list="1" data-level="1">A food retailer perspective on nonfoods opportunities. </li></ul><p>The digital seminar is the perfect precursor to FMI&rsquo;s <a href="https://www.fmi.org/nonfoods-forum">Nonfoods Forum</a>.</p><ul><li><strong><a href="https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/4862270/051803B58E3339821D9829083D04BE3A?utm_source=nonfoods25&amp;utm_medium=blog&amp;utm_campaign=nonfoods25&amp;utm_id=blog_nonfoodsforum2025_march2025">Register: April 8 Digital Seminar: Connecting the Dots for Total Store Success</a></strong> &ndash; A free online event exploring nonfoods&rsquo; role in total store performance. </li></ul><ul type="disc"><li data-list="0" data-level="1"><strong><a href="https://www.fmi.org/nonfoods-forum">Register: May 13-15 Nonfoods Forum</a></strong>&mdash;A deeper, in-person discussion of strategies for nonfoods growth and integration.&nbsp;</li></ul>


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